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Improving z/OS Application Availability by Managing Planned Outages

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 22 December 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738440213
ISBN-13: 9780738440217
IBM Form #: SG24-8178-00

Authors: Frank Kyne, Andy Clifton, Justin Deane, Fernando Ferreira, Richard Gunjal, Chuck Laurent, John Papp, Judy Ruby-Brown, Maida Snapper, Michael Stephen, Dave Viguers, Marna Walle and Yvonne Zemotel

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication is intended to make System Programmers, Operators, and Availability Managers aware of the enhancements to recent releases of IBM z/OS® and its major subsystems in the area of planned outage avoidance. It is a follow-on to, rather than a replacement for, z/OS Planned Outage Avoidance Checklist, SG24-7328.

    Its primary objective is to bring together in one place information that is already available, but widely dispersed. It also presents a different perspective on planned outage avoidance. Most businesses care about application availability rather than the availability of a specific system. Also, a planned outage is not necessarily a bad thing, if it does not affect application availability. In fact, running for too long without an IPL or subsystem restart might have a negative impact on application availability because it impacts your ability to apply preventive service. Therefore, this book places more focus on decoupling the ability to make changes and updates to your system from IPLing or restarting your systems.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Planned outage considerations

    Chapter 2. Project planning and user experiences

    Part 1. z/OS components

    Chapter 3. z/OS enhancements: Availability and diagnostics

    Chapter 4. z/OS enhancements: Base Control Program

    Chapter 5. z/OS enhancements - GRS

    Chapter 6. z/OS enhancements: Resource Recovery Services

    Chapter 7. z/OS enhancements: XCF and System Logger

    Chapter 8. z/OS enhancements: Communications Server

    Chapter 9. z/OS enhancements: DFSMS

    Chapter 10. z/OS enhancements: Distributed File Service (zFS)

    Chapter 11. z/OS enhancements: Security Server (RACF)

    Chapter 12. z/OS enhancements: ICSF

    Chapter 13. z/OS enhancements: JES2

    Chapter 14. z/OS enhancements: JES3

    Chapter 15. z/OS enhancements: Infoprint Server

    Chapter 16. z/OS enhancements: TSO/E

    Chapter 17. z/OS enhancements: z/OS UNIX

    Part 2. z/OS middleware

    Chapter 18. CICS considerations

    Chapter 19. DB2 considerations

    Chapter 20. IMS considerations

    Chapter 21. WebSphere MQ for z/OS

    Appendix A. Items requiring an IPL or recycle

    Appendix B. DB2 UNIX file system maintenance considerations


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