Published on 13 May 2013
ISBN-10: 0738437956
ISBN-13: 9780738437958
IBM Form #: SG24-8116-00
Authors: Zaid Faydi, Mike Ebbers and Elsie Ramos
Mainframe computers play a central role in the daily operations of many of the worlds largest corporations. Batch processing is still a fundamental, mission-critical component of the workloads that run on the mainframe and a large portion of the workload on IBM® z/OS® systems is processed in batch mode.
This IBM Redbooks® publication is the second volume in a series of four in which we describe new technologies introduced by IBM to facilitate the use of hybrid batch applications that combine the best aspects of Java and procedural programming languages such as COBOL. This volume specifically focuses on the z/OS batch runtime.
The audience for this book includes IT architects and application developers, with a focus on batch processing on the z/OS platform.
Chapter 1. Modernizing enterprise batch with hybrid Java/COBOL applications
Chapter 2. What is z/OS Batch Runtime?
Chapter 3. End to end development scenario
Appendix A. Additional material