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Multi-Enterprise File Transfer with WebSphere Connectivity

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 10 September 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738434728
ISBN-13: 9780738434728
IBM Form #: SG24-7886-00

Authors: Carla Sadtler, Klaus Bonnert, Jack Carnes, Jennifer Foley, Richard Kinard and Leonard McWilliams

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how to exchange data between applications running in two separate enterprises reliably and securely. This book includes an overview of the concepts of managed file transfer, the technologies that can be used, and common topologies for file transfer solutions. It then provides four scenarios that address different requirements. These scenarios provide a range of options that can be suited to your individual needs. This book is intended for anyone who needs to design or develop a file transfer solution for his enterprise.

    The first scenario shows the use of an HTTPS web gateway to allow files to be transferred from an external web client to an internal WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition backbone network. This option uses the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Web Gateway SupportPac FO02.

    The second scenario uses the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition bridge agent to allow files to be transferred from an external File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server to a WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition backbone network

    The third scenario extends the concept of file transfer between enterprises by introducing more sophisticated transfer capabilities, along with enhanced security. This scenario uses the IBM WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60 to look at the specific case of file transfers between business partners.

    The last scenario also illustrates the integration of the IBM WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60 and WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, but in this case, non-business-to-business protocols are used. The file transfer is further enhanced through the use of WebSphere® Message Broker to mediate the file transfer for routing and protocol transformation within the enterprise.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Multi-enterprise file transfer concepts

    Chapter 1. File transfer concepts, technologies, and best practices

    Chapter 2. Multi-enterprise file transfer topologies

    Chapter 3. Product overview

    Part 2. File transfer scenarios

    Chapter 4. Scenario topology overview

    Chapter 5. Initiating file transfers outside your enterprise with HTTPS

    Chapter 6. Using FTP/SFTP with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition

    Chapter 7. B2B-enabled managed file transfer

    Chapter 8. Integrating partner transfers with internal ESB

    Appendix A. Configuration of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition

    Appendix B. Preparing the WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server environment

    Appendix C. Additional material


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