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A Structured Approach to Modernizing the SNA Environment

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 12 October 2006, updated 24 July 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738496847
ISBN-13: 9780738496849
IBM Form #: SG24-7334-00

Authors: Alfred Christensen and Suvas Shah

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    The focus of this IBM Redbooks publication is networking infrastructure aspects of modernizing an SNA network environment. Additionally, modernizing SNA concerns itself with how to modernize access to existing SNA core business applications. In order to provide a reference model for modernizing SNA, this book introduces a selected set of SNA application access modernization technologies, which go beyond the normal networking infrastructure. Some of the technologies discussed in this book aim at improving the user experience when accessing traditional SNA 3270 applications and at exposing existing mainframe SNA applications as Web services. Such technologies will primarily be introduced from a network topology and connectivity perspective.

    While a description of the full set of capabilities of such technologies is beyond the scope of this document, readers can refer to other technology-specific and product-specific documentation from IBM and other vendors for that information.

    The intended audience for this book are IBM System z technical managers, system architects, and network administrators who are responsible for setting the overall strategic directions for an enterprise networking infrastructure. This infrastructure includes Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and Internet Protocol (IP) networking technologies, branch or remote location access networks, data center connectivity, and business partner connectivity.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Modernizing Systems Network Architecture: an introduction

    Chapter 2. SNA modernization objectives

    Chapter 3. Modernizing SNA network infrastructure

    Chapter 4. How to modernize SNA application access

    Chapter 5. Selected SNA modernization scenarios

    Appendix A. SNA levels

    Appendix B. SNA node capability summary

    Appendix C. TN3270 server capability summary

    Appendix D. IBM distributed communications server functional overview

    Appendix E. IBM communication controller for Linux functional overview


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