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Deploying SAP Software in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power Systems

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 22 April 2021

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ISBN-10: 0738459585
ISBN-13: 9780738459585
IBM Form #: REDP-5619-00

Authors: Dino Quintero, Anastasiia Biliak, Christoph Gremminger, Thorsten Hesemeyer, Sabine Jaeschke, Sahitya K Jain, Jochen Röhrig and Andreas Schauberer

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    This IBM® Redpaper publication documents how to containerize and deploy SAP software into Red Hat OpenShift 4 Kubernetes clusters on IBM Power Systems by using predefined Red Hat Ansible scripts, different configurations, and theoretical knowledge, and it documents the findings through sample scenarios.

    This paper documents the following topics:

    • Running SAP S/4HANA, SAP HANA, and SAP NetWeaver on-premises software in containers that are deployed in Red Hat OpenShift 4 on IBM Power Systems hardware.
    • Existing SAP systems running on IBM Power Systems can be repackaged at customer sites into containers that use predefined Red Hat Ansible scripts.
    • These containers can be deployed multiple times into Red Hat OpenShift 4 Kubernetes clusters on IBM Power Systems.

    The target audiences for this paper are Chief Information Officers (CIOs) that are interested in containerized solutions of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, developers that need containerized environments, and system administrators that provide and manage the infrastructure with underpinning automation.

    This paper complements the documentation that is available at IBM Knowledge Center, and it aligns with the educational materials that are provided by IBM Garage™ for Systems Education.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Setting up the Red Hat OpenShift infrastructure

    Chapter 3. Automated installation of SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems with Red Hat Ansible

    Chapter 4. Building and deploying container images with scripts

    Chapter 5. Building and deploying container images with Red Hat Ansible

    Chapter 6. Operating the containers


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