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Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 27 July 2018, updated 11 December 2019

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ISBN-10: 0738456926
ISBN-13: 9780738456928
IBM Form #: REDP-5502-00

Authors: Mike Johnson, Chris Backhouse, Stéphane Faure, David Griffiths, Yann Kindelberger, Ke Wei Wei and Hao Zhang

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    This Redpaper introduces the integration between two IBM products that you might like to consider when implementing a modern agile solution on your Z systems. The document briefly introduces Operational Decision Manager on z/OS and Machine learning on z/OS. In the case of Machine Learning we focus on the aspect of real-time scoring models and how these can be used with Business Rules to give better decisions.

    Note: Important changes since this document was written:

    This document was written for an older release of Operational Decision Manager for z/OS (ODM for z/OS). ODM for z/OS 8.9.1 required the writing of custom Java code to access a Watson Machine Learning for z/OS Scoring Service (this can be seen in ). Since that time ODM for z/OS version 8.10.1 has been released and much improves the integration experience. Integrating the two products no longer requires custom Java code. Using ODM for z/OS 8.10.1 or later you can use an automated wizard in the ODM tooling to:

    • Browse and select a model from Watson Machine Learning

    • Import the Machine Learning data model into your rule project
    • Automatically generate a template rule that integrates a call to the Watson Machine Learning scoring service

    Download and read this document for:

    • Individual introductions to ODM for z/OS and Machine learning

    • Discussions on the benefits of using the two technologies together
    • Information on integrating if you have not yet updated to ODM for z/OS 8.10.1

    For information about the machine learning integration in ODM for z/OS 8.10.1 see IBM Watson Machine Learning for z/OS integration topic in the ODM for z/OS 8.10.x Knowledge Center

    Table of Contents

    These topics are covered:

    [<ul><li>]The need for a solution

    [<li>]Operational Decision Manager for z/OS for Business Rules

    [<li>]Machine Learning for z/OS for real-time scoring

    [<li>]Scoring for smarter decisions: ODM & ML integration

    [<li>]Bringing it together

    [<li>]Integration example with ODM on z/OS calling ML on z/OS

    [<li>]ODM and Scoring Decisions



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