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IBM StoredIQ Data Sources and Volumes

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 22 December 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738454869
ISBN-13: 9780738454863
IBM Form #: REDP-5316-00

Authors: Genifer Graff

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    In the world of enterprise data, the problem of discovering, understanding, and managing your data is becoming a more difficult problem for businesses and IT organizations. The IBM® StoredIQ® platform provides a true data assessment tool that enables a user to understand the kind of data that is located on the system. Through StoredIQ, a user can gain a firm understanding of a very wide variety of data. Data sources and volumes are an important part of the IBM StoredIQ solution and an understanding of the data sources is required to effectively use StoredIQ.

    This IBM Redpaper™ publication describes the data sources supported by the IBM StoredIQ Platform. Many data sources exist and the ability to provide insight into the content located within the supported data sources is an important benefit of StoredIQ.

    Through this paper, you can learn about data sources and volumes and how to create StoredIQ volumes. You can also learn about configuring StoredIQ volumes and the options for configuring StoredIQ to index the content that is located in the data source.

    Table of Contents

    Data sources

    Data volume

    Configuring the server platforms

    Adding a volume

    Deleting a volume


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