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Artificial Intelligence: Learning Through Interactions and Big Data

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 03 June 2013

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IBM Form #: REDP-4974-00

Authors: Koichi Takeda and Tamiya Onodera

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    Artifical intelligence (AI) approaches combined with analytics techniques can provide practical approaches to the challenges of creating Smarter Planet solutions.

    • The current mainstream business analytics research and solution development along with the convergence of AI with machine learning techniques will continue to underpin high-value, human decision support solutions.
    • Cognitive systems can combine natural language processing, hypothesis generation and evaluation, and dynamic learning for a powerful, fast, and intelligent problem solving.
    • To effectively apply intelligent problem solving using AI solutions, you can extend the capabilities of IBM Watson and its DeepQA technology architecture to other domains.

    As organizations embrace AI, understanding the methods to approaching intelligent problem solving is central to gaining an advantage with AI solutions.

    This IBM® Redbooks® Point-of-View publication describes the AI and business analytics concepts that drive smarter planet solutions.

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