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Using CICS Transaction Gateway, High Availability, and the CICS Explorer

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 26 October 2011, updated 04 November 2011

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IBM Form #: REDP-4782-00

Authors: Rob Jones

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    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes how the CICS® Explorer™ can be used to aid configuration and administration of the CICS Transaction Gateway for z/OS®. Starting from a basic system configuration, it takes you through the steps to create a high availability topology and implement request monitoring.

    At a high level, the procedures described are:

    • Configure CICS Transaction Gateway (CICS TG) for z/OS
    • Set up the CICS TG plug-in for CICS Explorer
    • Start up and administer the Gateway daemon on z/OS
    • Configure CICS Transaction Server (CICS TS) connections to CICS TG
    • Configure CICS TG connections to CICS TS
    • Configure and run a test ECI workload
    • Configure Dynamic Server Selection in the Gateway daemon
    • Configure request monitoring in the Gateway daemon

    It is assumed that the reader has CICS Explorer available with the CICS SM and z/OS perspectives operational.

    Table of Contents



    Topology review

    Basic setup of CICS TG for z/OS

    Set up CICS TG plug-in for CICS Explorer

    Configure connections in CICS TS

    Configure CICS connections in CICS TG

    Set up and run workload

    Setting up High Availability for CICS TG

    Set up Request Monitoring for CICS TG


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