IBM Data Studio V2.1: Getting Started with Web Services on DB2 for z/OS
An IBM Redpaper publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM® Redpaper™ provides a step-by-step introduction on how to get started with Web services using Data Studio V2.1. Our goal is to explain basic concepts and introduce the functions that can help you take your first steps in the Web services arena with DB2® for z/OS®. We start with describing and setting up the basic software components and showing a step-by-step guide to creating your first Web service. We then show how you can test and deploy Web services and let DB2 operate as a Web service requester (consumer) and a Web service server (provider). Last, we introduce the SOAP UDFs that enable DB2 to act directly as a Web service consumer and we show how stylesheets can easily transform your Web service response into a service message in HTML format.
Required software components
Generating and deploying a Web service
Testing your Web service
Invoking the Web service with SOAP UDFs
What stylesheets can do for you
Hints and tips for Data Web Services
Enabling stored procedures for JDBC support