IBM® Flex System® Manager™ (FSM) is one of the cornerstones of an IBM PureFlex® solution and provides a centralized management platform. As a result, Flex System Manager is a key demonstration that IBM Business Partners and the IBM Client Centers around the world conduct with customers.
The purpose of this demonstration guide is to provide guidance about the best way to demonstrate Flex System Manager. The target audience for this guide are the presenters of such demonstrations, that is, the field specialists in IBM and IBM Business Partner locations as well as the briefers in IBM Client Centers.
This guide shows you how to build a suitable FSM demonstration infrastructure so that you can demonstrate the features of IBM Flex System Manager that are important to your audience, thus allowing them to understand the value of IBM Smarter Computing.
The audience of this guide should have the necessary knowledge about how to use Flex System Manager.
This document is only available to IBM employees and IBM business partners as follows:
For IBM Employees:
For IBM Business Partners:
The material included in this document is in DRAFT form and is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. IBM is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the material, and may update the document at any time. The final, published document may not include any, or all, of the material included herein. Client assumes all risks associated with Client's use of this document.