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Architecture of the IBM POWER7+ Technology-Based IBM Power 750 and IBM Power 760

Web Doc


Published on 05 February 2013, updated 13 February 2013

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IBM Form #: TIPS0972

Authors: Scott Vetter, James Cruickshank, Sorin Hanganu, Volker Haug, Stephen Lutz, John T. Schmidt and Marco Vallone

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    This IBM® Redbooks® technote describes the processor to memory architectural differences between IBM POWER7® technology-based IBM Power 750 (8233-E8B) and the IBM POWER7+™ technology-based Power 750 (8408-E8D) and Power 760 (9109-RMD) servers. Historically new server models within a model family (such as Power 710) have carried forward a similar, though enhanced, memory and I/O architecture of their previous model. However, this case is not the same for POWER7+ Power 750 and Power 760. With these new server models, changes to the bus architecture might require additional performance considerations for partitions that need processor and memory resources that span multiple processor sockets.



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