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XQuery in IBM DB2 10 for z/OS

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Published on 02 July 2012

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IBM Form #: TIPS0896

Authors: Ann Kirsten Larsen and Jason Cu

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    This document briefly describe the XQuery enhancement to IBM DB2 10 for z/OS pureXML provided through the maintenance stream.


    In November 2011, support was added for XQuery in IBM® DB2® 10 for z/OS® through APARs PM47617 and PM47618.

    XQuery extends XPath with new language constructs, adding expressiveness to the IBM pureXML® features of DB2. Many XQuery queries can be rewritten using a combination of XPath and SQL/XML, but often XQuery is the preferred tool, as it is an easier to code and more readable alternative.

    Like XPath, XQuery is a W3C standard, and its addition is a further step in ensuring compatibility within the DB2 family of products. XQuery has been available in DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows since 2006.

    Constructs of XQuery

    XQuery introduces new types of expressions that can be used in XMLQUERY, XMLTABLE, and XMLEXISTS function calls. The XMLQUERY function is used in the SELECT clause of an SQL query to specify which XML data to retrieve. The XMLTABLE function is used in the FROM clause to extract XML data in a table format. The XMLEXISTS function is used in the WHERE clause to specify under which conditions to retrieve the data.

    XQuery expressions are most applicable with XMLQUERY, because arguments to XMLEXISTS can be specified by XPath expressions, which are indexable, while XQuery expressions are not. XMLQUERY is not indexable. XQuery can be used in XMLTABLE as the row expression or column expressions, but is usually not needed for the relational result. XQuery could be used to construct new XML values for the XML column results.

    There are three types of expressions that can be used alone or in combination:

    • FLWOR expressions
    • A FLWOR expression is a loop construct for manipulating XML documents in an application-like manner. The name (pronounced flower) is an acronym for the keywords used in the expression.

      The keywords provide the functions described in the following table.

      Table 1. FLWOR functions

      Allows a variable to loop through a sequence of values. These can be literals, XPath expressions, and so on. The looping variable is prefixed with $, as with other variables in XML expressions. An example is as follows:
      for $il in /Invoice/InvoiceLine
      Assigns a variable a single value. This can be a literal, an XPath expression, and so on. The variable is prefixed with $. An example is as follows:
      let $oref := /Invoice/OrderReference
      Defines the criteria for which values are to be returned, as with an SQL query. An example is as follows:
      where $il/eOrdrLineReference = $ol/ID
      order by
      Orders the output specified in the return clause, as with an SQL query. An example is as follows:
      order by $il/OrderLineReference
      Specifies what is to be returned from each iteration of the FLWOR expression. The final result is their concatenation.
      return $Il
    • Direct XML constructors
    • Instead of using publishing functions for creating XML elements, documents, and other XML constructs, you can now write them as literals anywhere that you can write an expression of the same type.

    • Conditional expressions
    • You can use IF-THEN-ELSE logic anywhere you can use an expression within an XQuery expression.

    FLWOR expressions
    To illustrate a simple FLWOR expression, assume you have a table named INVOICE with an XML column named INVDOC holding invoices, as shown in the following code:


    <DeliveredBy>XY Shipping</DeliveredBy>
    <Name>Carmen curlers</Name>
    <Name>GHD hair straightener</Name>

    You want to extract all the item names and quantities from the invoices where the items have been delivered by XY Shipping. To accomplish this task, loop through the invoice lines using the for keyword. Use the let clause to establish a reference to the DeliveredBy element, which you use in the where clause to select only those clauses with a value of XY Shipping. Use the order by clause to sort the items alphabetically by name, and use the return clause to return quantity and name for each invoice line. Your query should look as follows:


    'for $il in $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine
    let $del := $in/Invoice/DeliveredBy
    where $del = "XY Shipping"
    order by $il/Item/Name
    fn:concat($il/InvoicedQuantity, " ", $il/Item/Name)'

    The result of running the query on the example single invoice document is as follows:

    18 Carmen curlers 10 GHD hair straightener

    You could rewrite this example using XPath; this example is included here to show the basic principles of the FLWOR expression. The real strength of the FLWOR expression is its ability to combine data from different XML documents.

    Assume that apart from the invoices, you also have a table named PURCHASE_ORDERS with an XML column named PODOC that contains orders like the one specified in the following query. The result of this query may not be very readable, but we demonstrate how to make such results more readable in the Direct XML constructors section.



    Ensure that the number of items ordered in each order line matches the number of items invoiced in the corresponding invoice line. return the order and order line number for each discrepancy. To accomplish this task, join the tables INVOICE and PURCHASE_ORDER, pairing each order with an invoice, as shown in the following query. Assume that no SQL columns of the tables provide this information, so you must perform the join the XML data on the order versus invoice level and the order line versus invoice line level.


    ’for $ol in $po/Order/OrderLine
    for $il in $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine
    let $oid := $po/Order/ID
    let $oref := $in/Invoice/OrderReference
    where $oid = $oref
    and $ol/ID = $il/OrderLineReference
    and $ol/Quantity != $il/InvoicedQuantity
    order by $il/OrderLineReference
    fn:concat("Discrepancy orderno:", $oref, "-", $il/OrderLineReference)'
    '$po/Order/OrderLine[ID = $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine/OrderLineReference]'

    It is possible to do the whole join inside XQuery, but for efficiency, we add an XMLEXIST predicate to the SQL query that selects only matching pairs of orders and invoices. As mentioned earlier, XMLEXISTS predicates are eligible for index access, while XMLQUERY predicates are not. By adding the predicate, you avoid having to evaluate the Cartesian product in the XQuery expression. In this example, we could omit the join on the order–invoice level from the XQuery expression, but we kept it for readability. The result of the query is as follows:

    Discrepancy orderno:1234-678

    Direct XML constructors

    Assume that you have the same basic scenario as in the previous example, but you want the output in a slightly different format. Instead of obtaining a list of the orders and order lines, obtain XML DiscrepancyOrderLine elements for each of the discrepancies.

    You accomplish this task by using direct XML construction in the return clause of the FLWOR expression. You can also accomplish this task by using XML publishing functions, but direct XML construction provides far more intuitive and readable XQuery expressions.

    To construct an XML element, write the start and end tags as literals. The content of the XML element can be more literals (constants), or it can be a composite expression. Start and end of composite expressions are marked by escape characters '{' and '}', When you use these escape character, DB2 knows when an expression is constant and when it should be evaluated based on the values of the variables in the for and let clauses.

    The structure of our example XML element is as follows:


    ’for $ol in $po/Order/OrderLine
    for $il in $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine
    let $oid := $po/Order/ID
    let $oref := $in/Invoice/OrderReference
    where $oid = $oref
    and $ol/ID = $il/OrderLineReference
    and $ol/Quantity != $il/InvoicedQuantity
    order by $il/OrderLineReference
    <OrderedQuantity> {$ol/Quantity/text()} </OrderedQuantity>
    '$po/Order/OrderLine[ID = $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine/OrderLineReference]'

    The nested elements within the DiscrepancyOrderLine element are all included as they are, except for the quantity from the orderline, because we want to change the name of the element to OrderedQuantity. Write the new start and end tags, and include the contents of the element by using the text() function.

    The result of running the query on the XML documents above is as follows:



    <Name>Carmen curlers</Name>

    Conditional expressions
    Assume the same basic example, but now we want to distinguish the cases where the customer has been invoiced too much from where he has been invoiced too little.

    Use the IF-THEN-ELSE expression in the return clause to construct different element names depending on whether the ordered quantity is larger or smaller than the invoiced quantity:


    ’for $ol in $po/Order/OrderLine
    for $il in $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine
    let $oid := $po/Order/ID
    let $oref := $in/Invoice/OrderReference
    where $oid = $oref
    and $ol/ID = $il/OrderLineReference
    and $ol/Quantity != $il/InvoicedQuantity
    order by $il/OrderLineReference
    if ($ol/Quantity > $il/InvoicedQuantity) then
    <OrderedQuantity> {$ol/Quantity/text()} </OrderedQuantity>
    <OrderedQuantity> {$ol/Quantity/text()} </OrderedQuantity>

    The result of running this query on the two XML documents above is as follows:


    <Name>Carmen curlers</Name>

    XQuery performance
    XQuery greatly enhances DB2 support for constructing and manipulating XML, far beyond what was expressible using SQL/XML and XPath. XQuery is allowed everywhere that XPath is allowed, including XMLQUERY, XMLEXISTS, and XMLTABLE, but there are some important considerations for performance when deciding where and how to use XQuery.

    Consider the SQL WHERE predicate from the earlier examples:

    '$po/Order/OrderLine[ID = $in/Invoice/InvoiceLine/OrderLineReference]'

    The same predicate could have been written with an XQuery FLWOR join expression:

    'for $po in /Order/OrderLine,
    $in in /Invoice/InvoiceLine
    where $po/ID=$in/OrderLineReference
    return $po/ID'

    However, XQuery FLWOR expressions are not indexable by DB2. Even if qualifying indexes existed on PURCHASE_ORDER with XMLPATTERN('/Order/OrderLine/ID'), and on INVOICE with XMLPATTERN('/Invoice/InvoiceLine/OrderLineReference'), the first example using XPath can use the indexes, but the second example using XQuery FLWOR cannot. Therefore, it is a better idea to avoid FLWOR expressions, if possible, in places where DB2 uses indexes such as XMLEXISTS predicates or in XMLTABLE row expressions.

    The preferred practice is to use XPath in predicate expressions to allow DB2 to use an index to qualify the rows, and then to use XQuery in the XMLQUERY function or in XMLTABLE column expressions to perform manipulation on only the qualifying rows. If you do not have such a qualifying predicate, DB2 could evaluate XQuery against many rows, which could lead to elongated query run time.

    Whether you write an XML expression inside of XMLQUERY as XPath or as XQuery, where the expressions can be expressed equivalently, performance is roughly equivalent. In many cases, DB2 performs automatic rewrites of XQuery to XPath when possible to optimize performance.

    Summary and reference
    You have seen, through some simple examples, the basic functionality of XQuery provided in DB2 10 for z/OS.

    There are many details that have not been covered here. For general functions and more information, see Extremely pureXML in DB2 10 for z/OS, SG24-7915 and pureXML Guide, SC19-2981. You can also go to the following IBM developerWorks® website found at:


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