Published on 29 February 2016
ISBN-10: 0738441546
ISBN-13: 9780738441542
IBM Form #: SG24-8330-00
Authors: Bill Ogden
This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the basic installation processes of Linux for z Systems™ on an IBM zPDT® base. It is intended for readers who are not familiar with IBM z Systems or with the zPDT product. This book assume the reader is familiar with Linux on Intel-compatible platforms.
This book provides basic introductions to necessary z Systems and zPDT topics, and proceeds in a cookbook manner. This book is not intended for readers who are already familiar with these topics.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Base installation
Chapter 3. Linux for z Systems (SUSE)
Chapter 4. Linux for z Systems (Red Hat)
Chapter 5. General topics