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Integrating the IBM MQ Appliance into your IBM MQ Infrastructure

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 02 November 2015, updated 09 November 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738441112
ISBN-13: 9780738441115
IBM Form #: SG24-8283-00

Authors: Neil Casey, Andy Emmett and Rufus Russell

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the IBM MQ Appliance M2000, an application connectivity option that combines secure, reliable IBM MQ messaging with the simplicity and low overall costs of a hardware appliance.

    This book presents underlying concepts and practical advice for integrating the IBM MQ Appliance M2000 into an IBM MQ infrastructure. Therefore, it is aimed at enterprises that are considering a possible first use of IBM MQ and the IBM MQ Appliance M2000 and those that already identified the appliance as a logical addition to their messaging environment.

    Details about new functionality and changes in approaches to application messaging are also described. The authors' goal is to help readers make informed design and implementation decisions so that the users can successfully integrate the IBM MQ Appliance M2000 into their environments.

    A broad understanding of enterprise messaging is required to fully comprehend the details that are provided in this book. Readers are assumed to have at least some familiarity and experience with complimentary IBM messaging products.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Overview

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Business scenario overview

    Part 2. Using the IBM MQ Appliance

    Chapter 3. Planning

    Chapter 4. Installing the IBM MQ Appliance

    Chapter 5. Initial appliance configuration

    Chapter 6. Appliance administration

    Chapter 7. Creating queue managers

    Chapter 8. IBM MQ object security

    Chapter 9. IBM MQ channel security

    Chapter 10. High availability

    Chapter 11. Application changes

    Chapter 12. Support for the IBM MQ Appliance

    Part 3. Appendixes

    Appendix A. IBM MQ cryptographic changes

    Appendix B. Transcript of IBM MQ Appliance firmware upgrade

    Appendix C. Transcript of appliance initialization

    Appendix D. Commands to enable an LDAP authenticated administrator


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