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Aligning MDM and BPM for Master Data Governance, Stewardship, and Enterprise Processes

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 02 March 2013, updated 09 March 2013

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ISBN-10: 0738437743
ISBN-13: 9780738437743
IBM Form #: SG24-8059-00

Authors: Chuck Ballard, Trey Anderson, Dr. Lawrence Dubov, Alex Eastman, Jay Limburn and Umasuthan Ramakrishnan

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    An enterprise can gain differentiating value by aligning its master data management (MDM) and business process management (BPM) projects. This way, organizations can optimize their business performance through agile processes that empower decision makers with the trusted, single version of information.

    Many companies deploy MDM strategies as assurances that enterprise master data can be trusted and used in the business processes. IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management creates trusted views of data assets and elevates the effectiveness of an organization’s most important business processes and applications.

    This IBM Redbooks® publication provides an overview of MDM and BPM. It examines how you can align them to enable trusted and accurate information to be used by business processes to optimize business performance and bring more agility to data stewardship. It also provides beginning guidance on these patterns and where cross-training efforts might focus.

    This book is written for MDM or BPM architects and MDM and BPM architects. By reading this book, MDM or BPM architects can understand how to scope joint projects or to provide reasonable estimates of the effort. BPM developers (or MDM developers with BPM training) can learn how to design and build MDM creation and consumption use cases by using the MDM Toolkit for BPM. They can also learn how to import data governance samples and extend them to enable collaborative stewardship of master data.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to master data management and business process management

    Chapter 2. Aligning MDM and enterprise business process strategies

    Chapter 3. Master data governance and stewardship

    Chapter 4. Integration approaches and proven practices

    Chapter 5. Introduction to the InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit

    Chapter 6. Defining a master data creation process

    Chapter 7. Master data policy enforcement with BPM Express

    Chapter 8. Using and extending MD policy enforcement samples

    Appendix A. MDM Advanced Edition configuration script

    Appendix B. BPM Express Edition for messaging integration


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