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Managing IBM DB2 10 for z/OS Using the IBM DB2 Administration Tool for z/OS Version 10

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 22 April 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435406
ISBN-13: 9780738435404
IBM Form #: SG24-7916-00

Authors: Paolo Bruni, Tom Crocker, Elaine Morelli, Richard Schaufuss and Jane Yang

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    Today’s business environment has increased in the complexity and rate of change that a database administrator must control. The ability to respond quickly to a changing environment is constantly challenged by the explosion of data growth combined with a decline in an experienced work staff.

    The IBM® DB2® Administration Tool for z/OS® Version 10 helps you become productive from Day 1 with DB2 10 for z/OS by using performance savings right away, lowering the CPU costs while reducing the batch window. Users experience higher data availability by easily managing online schema changes, including additional columns to indexes to use index-only access.

    Customers are able to experience higher data availability through simplified recovery operations:

    • Access new functionality in DB2 10 for z/OS to lower costs and improve efficiency both before, during, and after the DB2 migration process.
    • Maximize the performance of your key DB2 business applications to speed their deployment in DB2 10 for z/OS.
    • Improve the productivity and efficiency of your staff when DB2 10 for z/OS is running.

    This IBM Redbooks® publication highlights the data administration enhancements introduced by DB2 Administration Tool for z/OS Version 10 by providing scenarios of their use with the new functions provided by DB2 10 for z/OS.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introduction

    Chapter 1. DB2 administration tools at a glance

    Part 2. Installation and customization

    Chapter 2. Product setup

    Chapter 3. Product parameters

    Part 3. DB2 9 for z/OS and prior support

    Chapter 4. Native SQL procedures

    Chapter 5. Universal table space

    Chapter 6. CLONE tables

    Part 4. Super processes

    Chapter 7. The ALT line command

    Chapter 8. The MIG line command

    Chapter 9. DB2 Object Comparison Tool enhancements

    Part 5. General DB2 Administration Tool functions

    Chapter 10. Work statement lists

    Chapter 11. Optional features

    Part 6. DB2 10 for z/OS support

    Chapter 12. Temporal tables

    Chapter 13. Security

    Chapter 14. Physical design

    Chapter 15. Online schema evolution support

    Chapter 16. General options

    Part 7. Appendixes

    Appendix A. Reference tables


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