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Getting Started with the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and JPA 2.0

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 03 December 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738434965
ISBN-13: 9780738434964
IBM Form #: SG24-7911-00

Authors: Carla Sadtler, Daniel Haischt, Philipp Huber and Valentin Mahrwald

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces OSGi applications and Java™ Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 technology and describes their implementation in the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and JPA 2.0 for WebSphere Application Server 7.0.

    The book will help you understand the position of these new technologies as well as how to use them for Java enterprise development in a WebSphere Application Server environment. Though synergetic, both technologies can be used in isolation.

    This publication is structured to appeal to administrators, application developers, and all those individuals using the technologies together or independently.

    The book is split into two parts. Part 1, "Architecture and overview" on page 1 introduces OSGi applications and JPA 2.0 and describes how to set up a development and test environment. Part 2, "Examples" on page 55 uses examples to illustrate how to exploit the features of OSGi applications and JPA 2.0.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Architecture and overview

    Chapter 1. Introduction to the feature pack

    Chapter 2. Introduction to OSGi and OSGi applications

    Chapter 3. Introduction to the Java Persistence API 2.0

    Part 2. Examples

    Chapter 4. Sample application

    Chapter 5. Developing OSGi applications

    Chapter 6. OSGi applications and managing change

    Chapter 7. Connecting OSGi applications

    Chapter 8. Java Persistence API Criteria API

    Chapter 9. Java Persistence API Bean Validation

    Appendix A. Additional material


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