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Leveraging CICS Events with an ESB

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 05 August 2010, updated 09 August 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738434523
ISBN-13: 9780738434520
IBM Form #: SG24-7863-00

Authors: Chris Rayns, George Bogner, Erich Hoppe, Ron Lotter, Edward McCarthy, Fintan McElroy, Randy Miller, Steven Webb, Dennis Weiand, Frances Williams and Paul Wilson

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    There are many reasons to use an enterprise service bus (ESB) as the event bus:

    • Transformation: Function that transforms the incoming event by translating or splitting it
    • Enrichment: Function that enriches the content of events with reference data from multiple possible sources
    • Validation: Function to provide validation against required criteria
    • Pattern detection: Function that recognizes actual and retrospective patterns; a combination from possibly multiple events, characterizing a significant business situation
    • Filtering: Stateless function that filters events based on their content, that is, the information that is carried by the message generated when the event happened
    • Aggregation: Function that can group events as necessary
    • Routing: Function that routes events to the destination based on various possible routing patterns, such as pre-established itinerary, calendar-based, or subscription or “intelligent” routing decisions

    In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we show examples of using an ESB to transform and enrich an event received from Customer Information Control System (CICS®) Transaction Server. We also show an example of enriching an event.

    This book is intended for anyone planning to use CICS events with an ESB.

    This book contains four parts:

    Part 1, "Introduction" on page 1 introduces event processing. We explain what it is and why you need it. We also review the CICS TS implementation of event processing. We discuss enterprise service bus technology and how to integrate event processing with an ESB.

    Part 2, "Environment" on page 55 of the book focuses on our environment and the application we chose to use.

    Part 3, "Scenarios" on page 89 describes our scenarios with three separate ESBs along with information about the IBM WebSphere® Business Events, IBM WebSphere Business Monitor, and IBM WebSphere Process Server for z/OS® setup details:

    Scenario 1: IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus for z/OS business scenario

    Scenario 2: IBM WebSphere Message Broker for z/OS business scenario

    Scenario 3: DataPower® business scenario

    Scenario flow

    WebSphere Business Events

    WebSphere Business Monitor

    WebSphere Process Server

    Part 4 of this book describes best practices:



    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introduction

    Chapter 1. Introduction to event processing

    Chapter 2. CICS event processing

    Chapter 3. Integrating event processing and enterprise service bus

    Part 2. Environment

    Chapter 4. Overview of the application and business scenarios

    Part 3. Scenarios

    Chapter 5. WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus business scenario

    Chapter 6. WebSphere Message Broker business scenario

    Chapter 7. DataPower business scenario

    Chapter 8. Scenario flow

    Chapter 9. WebSphere Business Events scenario

    Chapter 10. WebSphere Business Monitor

    Chapter 11. WebSphere Process Server

    Part 4. Best practices

    Chapter 12. Best practices

    Appendix A. Additional material


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