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Extend the CICS Explorer: A Better Way to Manage Your CICS

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 23 February 2010, updated 03 May 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738434019
ISBN-13: 9780738434018
IBM Form #: SG24-7819-00

Authors: Chris Rayns, Scott Clee, Taku Miura, Shayla Robinson, Yusuke Tamura, John Taylor and Steve Wall

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    CICS® Explorer™ is the latest significant evolution in the management and analysis of your CICS environment. It is a statement of intent from the CICS Development organization, which is determined to ensure you can manage your CICS estate in a simple and easily extensible way, using a combination of the following approaches:

    • Tried and trusted CICS expertise and technology
    • The widely accepted user interfaces and integration power of the open source Eclipse platform
    • Web 2.0 and RESTful programming (this technology underpins the CICS Explorer concept)

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication shows how you can use the extensible design of CICS Explorer to complement the functionality already provided, with added functionality tailored to the needs of your business. We show you how to perform the following tasks:

    • Install the CICS plug-in SDK into your eclipse environment
    • Develop a simple plug-in for the CICS Explorer
    • Deploy the plug-in into CICS Explorer

    We provide several useful examples of plug-ins that we developed during the residency using the methodology we describe.

    The starting point for the book is that you already have CICS Explorer installed and configured with connectivity to your CICS region or CICSPlex®, and that you are looking for ways to customize CICS Explorer.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introduction

    Chapter 1. CICS Evolution

    Part 2. Exploring CICS Explorer

    Chapter 2. CICS Explorer and the CICS Client Management Interface

    Chapter 3. CICS Explorer SDK

    Part3. Extending CICS Explorer

    Chapter 4. Writing a plug-in for CICS Explorer

    Chapter 5. Extending CICS Explorer plug-ins

    Part 4. Integrating CICS Explorer with other Eclipse Components

    Chapter 6. Combining OMEGAMON data with CICS Explorer

    Chapter 7. Setting CICS Trace Levels through CICS Explorer

    Chapter 8. Adding a sticky note plug-in to CICS Explorer

    Chapter 9. Implementing a CEBR view in CICS Explorer

    Appendix A. Reference list of CICS SDK elements

    Appendix B. Additional material


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