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WebSphere eXtreme Scale v8.6 Key Concepts and Usage Scenarios

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 24 September 2013

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ISBN-10: 073843860X
ISBN-13: 9780738438603
IBM Form #: SG24-7683-01

Authors: Jonathan Marshall, John Pape, Kristi Peterson, Greg Reid, Fabio Santos B. da Silva and Federico Senese

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    IBM WebSphere® eXtreme Scale provides a solution to scalability issues through caching and grid technology. It provides an enhanced quality of service in high performance computing environments.

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces WebSphere eXtreme Scale and shows how to set up and use an eXtreme Scale environment. It begins with a discussion of the issues that would lead you to an eXtreme Scale solution. It then describes the architecture of eXtreme Scale to help you understand how the product works. It provides information about potential grid topologies, the APIs used by applications to access the grid, and application scenarios that show how to effectively use the grid.

    This book is intended for architects who want to implement WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

    The original edition of this book was based on WebSphere eXtreme Scale version 6.1. It was published in 2008 and described as a "User's Guide". This second edition updates the information based on WebSphere eXtreme Scale version 8.6, and covers key concepts and usage scenarios.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to WebSphere eXtreme Scale

    Chapter 2. Architecture and topologies

    Chapter 3. Application scenarios

    Chapter 4. Developing with WebSphere eXtreme Scale

    Chapter 5. Deployment scenarios

    Chapter 6. Extended HTTP session management with WebSphere eXtreme Scale

    Chapter 7. Basic administration


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