Customizing the Informix Dynamic Server for Your Environment
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 11 June 2008, updated 06 January 2011
ISBN-10: 0738485896
ISBN-13: 9780738485898
IBM Form #: SG24-7522-00
Authors: Chuck Ballard, Jacques Roy, Rosario Annino, Alan Caldera, Sergio Dias, Vinayak Shenoi, Santosh Sajip, Robert Uleman and Suma Vinod
In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we provide an overview of some of the capabilities of version 11 of the IBM Informix® Dynamic Server (IDS), referred to as IDS 11, that enable it to be easily customized for your particular environment. Although many capabilities are available, the focus of this book is on the areas of ease of administration and application development. We describe and demonstrate these capabilities with examples to show how it can be done and provide a model as you begin your customization.
IDS 11 provides nearly hands-free administration to businesses of all sizes. It also offers significant advantages in availability, manageability, security, and performance. Built on the IBM Informix Dynamic Scalable Architecture (DSA), these capabilities can result in a lower total cost of ownership. For example, many of the typical database administrator operations are self-managed by the IDS database.
IDS customers report that they are using one-third or less of the staff typically needed to manage other database products. Shortened development cycles are also realized due to rapid deployment capabilities and the choice of application development environments and languages. There are also flexible choices for business continuity with replication and continuous availability. By taking advantage of these functions and features of IDS 11, you can customize your IDS implementation to enable you to better satisfy your particular business requirements.
Chapter 1. IDS and your business
Chapter 2. Optimizing IDS for your environment
Chapter 3. Enterprise data availability
Chapter 4. Robust administration
Chapter 5. The administration free zone
Chapter 6. An extensible architecture for robust solutions
Chapter 7. Easing into extensibility
Chapter 8. Extensibility in action
Chapter 9. Taking advantage of database events
Chapter 10. The world is relational
Appendix A. Additional material