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Infoprint Server for z/OS Infoprint Transforms

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 25 August 2008

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ISBN-10: 073848525X
ISBN-13: 9780738485256
IBM Form #: SG24-7498-00

Authors: Paul Rogers and Juha Vainikainen

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    One component of Infoprint Server is the Transform Interface. This component communicates with transforms that IBM transform products provide. Transforms convert data from one format to another, for example, from PDF to AFP format, or from AFP to PCL format. Administrators can set up the transforms to automatically transform documents before they are printed. Users can also use the z/OS UNIX command line to transform documents, which can then be saved in the converted format and later printed or sent to other users.

    This IBM Redbooks publication presents a comprehensive discussion of the Infoprint Server transforms and provides detailed steps for customizing and using them. It includes the following topics:

    - An introduction to Infoprint Transforms

    - How to customize the transforms

    - How to customize the transform daemons

    - How end users use the transforms

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to Infoprint Transforms

    Chapter 2. Infoprint Server transforms

    Chapter 3. Specifying Infoprint Server transform daemons

    Chapter 4. Using transforms

    Appendix A. Appendix A. Sample REXX programs

    Appendix B. Transform fonts

    Appendix C. Transform environment variables

    Appendix D. IBM presentation architecture

    Appendix E. Transform filters

    Appendix F. Transform UNIX command parameters


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