Designing and Coding Applications for Performance and Scalability in WebSphere Application Server
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 30 January 2008, updated 23 May 2008
ISBN-10: 073848864X
ISBN-13: 9780738488646
IBM Form #: SG24-7497-00
Authors: Byron Braswell, Marcelo Manhaes, Kon Samartzis and Eddy Tjandra
In many WebSphere® Application Server environments, support personnel often get more questions on application performance and tuning than WebSphere Application Server tuning.
While there is much documentation and guidance for installing, monitoring, and tuning the performance and scalability aspects of WebSphere Application Server, not a lot of guidance and recommendations for performance and scalability considerations are given when designing and coding applications that execute in the WebSphere Application Server environment.
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides performance and scalability considerations to keep in mind when developing and coding WebSphere Application Server applications. In this book, we take a layered approach to application development covering performance and coding considerations for each layer in a separate chapter.
In addition, various application development tools and strategies are compared within each layer along with best practices to keep in mind when designing and developing applications.
The target audience for this book includes the application development team, especially architects and developers. It also includes developers with experience using various application development techniques and tools for the different layers in the application architecture.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Application planning and design
Chapter 3. General coding considerations
Chapter 4. Presentation and control layer
Chapter 5. Business logic layer
Chapter 6. Integration layer
Chapter 7. Environmental performance considerations
Appendix A. Additional best practices for SQLJ
Appendix B. EJB 3 Feature pack for WebSphere V6.1
Appendix C. WebSphere Application Server Toolkit 6.1