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Using z/VM for Test and Development Environments: A Roundup

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 21 February 2007, updated 27 February 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738489999
ISBN-13: 9780738489995
IBM Form #: SG24-7355-00

Authors: Lydia Parziale, Klaus Egeler, Eravimangalath P Naveen, Manoj S Pattabhiraman and Kyle Smith

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    This IBM Redbooks publication shows the strengths of z/VM and how you can use these strengths to create a highly flexible test and production environment.

    Some of the strengths of z/VM that are shown in this book are that you can run Linux on z/VM, you can run a sysplex under z/VM, and you can develop code under z/VM for z/TPF. You can also provision Linux guests under z/VM. A vswitch allows you to connect all of your guests (all operating systems that run under z/VM) easily to the network. You can simulate your production environment on a sysplex.

    The intention of this book is to show the strengths of z/VM and how you can use these strengths to simulate your production

    environment and expand your application development and testing environments.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introducing z/VM

    Chapter 1. z/VM virtualization

    Chapter 2. Virtual networking for Linux on System z

    Chapter 3. Resource management under z/VM

    Chapter 4. Outlook on z/VM Version 5 Release 3.0

    Part 2. Developing, deploying, and managing your environment

    Chapter 5. Cloning a production environment (a practical scenario)

    Chapter 6. Parallel Sysplex under z/VM

    Chapter 7. z/TPF

    Chapter 8. The Communication Controller for Linux on System z

    Chapter 9. z/VM system management tools

    Chapter 10. Porting applications to Linux on System z

    Appendix A. Sample scripts to use when cloning systems

    Appendix B. Sample REXX script to IPL z/OS systems on z/VM

    Appendix C. Additional material


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