Best Practices for Implementing WebSphere Extended Deployment
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 23 February 2007
ISBN-10: 0738489638
ISBN-13: 9780738489636
IBM Form #: SG24-7343-00
Authors: Carla Sadtler, David Buchanan, Naveen Deshwal, Tomonori Iwashina, Edward McCarthy and Hendrik Van Run
This IBM Redbooks publication looks at scenarios for using WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0.2 and outlines procedures and best practices for these scenarios. Scenarios for operations optimization, long-running application extenders, and data-intensive application extenders are included.
This book focuses on process, design, and usage guidelines, complimenting the "how to" information found in Using WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0 To Build an On Demand Production Environment, SG24-7153. In addition, the business grid (batch and compute-intensive) capabilities are covered extensively including how to and best practice information.
This book applies to WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0.2 only.
Part 1. Operations optimization
Chapter 1. Service level optimization
Chapter 2. Application hosting and chargeback
Chapter 3. Application performance monitoring and health management
Part 2. Long running application extenders
Chapter 4. Introduction to long-running applications
Chapter 5. Configuring a long-running runtime environment
Chapter 6. Configuring a long-running development environment
Chapter 7. Building batch applications
Chapter 8. Building compute-intensive applications
Part 3. Data-intensive application extenders
Chapter 9. HTTP session management
Part 4. Appendix
Appendix A. Appendix - Visualization logs