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Infrastructure Solutions: Design, Manage, and Optimize a 20 TB SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Data Warehouse

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 07 April 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738486078
ISBN-13: 9780738486079
IBM Form #: SG24-7289-00

Authors: Christian Matthys, David Bright, Carol Davis, Fabio Hasegawa, Philippe Jachimcsyk, Steve Lockwood, Thomas Marien, Julien Maussion and Stefan Ulrich

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    In order to improve the performance and operational efficiency of businesses worldwide, a customer using SAP wanted to establish a global business program to define and implement a standardized, group-wide business process architecture and associated master data for the parameterization of the group software tools.

    The expected growth of the number of users and the size of the database would be at a level never reached by other customers, however, so IBM was asked to undertake the following:

    - Test the application to be sure it could sustain such growth.

    - Prove the manageability of the solution.

    - Provide recommendations to optimize the infrastructure architecture.

    This IBM Redbooks publication describes the testing that was done in terms of performance and manageability in a SAP NetWeaver BI (SAP BW) and DB2 environment on IBM System p™ when scaling a client’s solution to a data warehouse of 20 terabytes (TB). It also provides recommendations for an architecture to support a potential 60 TB data warehouse. The book resulted from a joint cooperative effort that included the PSSC, the IBM/SAP International Competency Center, the DB2-SAP Center of Excellence, SAP AG, and a customer.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Project summary

    Chapter 2. The SAP NetWeaver BI perspective

    Chapter 3. The DB2 perspective

    Chapter 4. The storage physical environment

    Chapter 5. Using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager to manage the storage environment

    Chapter 6. Test results

    Chapter 7. Proposal for more scalability

    Appendix A. The DB2 scripts

    Appendix B. Query variables

    Appendix C. Scripts for storage


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