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DB2 Cube Views: A Primer

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 05 September 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738499730
ISBN-13: 9780738499734
IBM Form #: SG24-7002-00

Authors: Corinne Baragoin, Geetha Balasubramaniam, Bhuvaneshwari Chandrasekharan, Landon DelSordo, Jan B. Lillelund, Julie Maw, Annie Neroda, Paulo Pereira and Jo A. Ramos

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    Business Intelligence and OLAP systems are no longer limited to the privileged few business analysts: they are being democratized by being shared with the rank and file employee demanding a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is more OLAP-aware.

    DB2 Cube Views and its cube model provide DB2 the ability to address multidimensional analysis and become an actor in the OLAP world.

    This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on the innovative technical functionalities of IBM DB2 Cube Views V8.1 to store multidimensional metadata in DB2 catalog; to build automatically model-based summary tables to speed up query performance; and to provide an advanced API to allow other Business Intelligence partners’ tools to benefit from both metadata exchange and improved query performance.

    This book positions the new functionalities and their benefits, so you can understand and evaluate their applicability in your own Business Intelligence and OLAP system environment. It provides information and examples to help you to get started planning and implementing the new functionalities.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Understand DB2 Cube Views

    Chapter 1. An OLAP-aware DB2

    Chapter 2. DB2 Cube Views: scenarios and benefits

    Part 2. Build and optimize the DB2 Cube Model

    Chapter 3. Building a cube model in DB2

    Chapter 4. Using the cube model for summary tables optimization

    Part 3. Access dimensional data in DB2

    Chapter 5. Metadata bridges overview

    Chapter 6. Accessing DB2 dimensional data using Office Connect

    Chapter 7. Accessing dimensional data in DB2 using QMF for Windows

    Chapter 8. Using Ascential MetaStage and the DB2 Cube Views MetaBroker

    Chapter 9. Meta Integration of DB2 Cube Views within the enterprise toolset

    Chapter 10. Accessing DB2 dimensional data using Integration Server Bridge

    Chapter 11. Accessing DB2 dimensional data using Cognos

    Chapter 12. Accessing DB2 dimensional data using BusinessObjects

    Chapter 13. Accessing DB2 dimensional data using MicroStrategy

    Chapter 14. Web services for DB2 Cube Views

    Part 4. Appendixes

    Appendix A. DataStage: operational process metadata configuration and DataStage job example

    Appendix B. Hybrid Analysis query performance results

    Appendix C. FAQs, diagnostics, and tracing

    Appendix D. DB2 Cube Views stored procedure API

    Appendix E. The case study: retail datamart