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Building Multi-Tier Scenarios for WebSphere Enterprise Applications

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 04 September 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738499525
ISBN-13: 9780738499529
IBM Form #: SG24-6956-00

Authors: Holger Wunderlich, Diego Cardalliaguet, Russ Heald, Tomokuni Shimizu and Dirk Ziesemann

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    This IBM Redbooks publication will help you build multi-tier scenarios for WebSphere Enterprise Applications. It applies to WebSphere Application Server V4.01 for z/OS and OS/390.

    We cover the aspects of architectural, organizational, and technical issues that you need to consider when selecting an application and runtime design. This book can be used in conjunction with Patterns for e-business when you are faced with making decisions about application patterns and are looking for supporting information.

    Because our analysis is done from the perspective of the z/OS platform, we discuss strategies for offloading Web applications from z/OS or from WebSphere for z/OS. We provide ano overview of different scenarios and give guidance on platforms, security, deployment, performance, scaling, and EIS integration.

    Using this book will enable you to architect an infrastructure for seamless three-tier integration by helping you to develop, deploy, and tool the application for interoperability, as well as install and configure the different infrastructures.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Integrated and multi-tier solution concepts

    Chapter 1. Integrated and multi-tier WebSphere application deployment

    Chapter 2. Integrated and hybrid WebSphere application deployment scenarios

    Chapter 3. Component interaction characteristics

    Chapter 4. Static Web component optimization

    Part 2. Implementation guidelines

    Chapter 5. Implementing static Web content acceleration scenarios

    Chapter 6. Implementing IIOP-based cross-platform scenarios

    Appendix A. Integrated and multi-platform scenario sandbox


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