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iSeries Access for Windows V5R2 Hot Topics: Tailored Images, Application Administration, SSL, and Kerberos

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 10 February 2004, updated 10 March 2004

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ISBN-10: 0738453293
ISBN-13: 9780738453293
IBM Form #: SG24-6939-00

Authors: Jim Cook and Jeremy Schulz

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    This IBM Redbooks publication covers the “hot topic tasks” (according to client feedback) related to running the following iSeries Access for Windows, 5722-XE1, capabilities:

    - iSeries Access for Windows installation, focusing on tailored and silent installation

    - iSeries Access for Windows Application Administration, focusing on the new starting in V5R2, Central Settings support

    - Setting up iSeries Access for Windows functions to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support

    - iSeries Access for Windows functions using Kerberos and IBM Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) network authentication capabilities. This information has been updated to include examples of using EIM to map Kerberos principals to OS/400 users.

    This information should get you up and running quickly using these capabilities.

    This book also includes a summary of what is coming in the next release of iSeries Access for Windows by describing what is available as Beta code from the iSeries Access Web site at:

    The information in this book is generally available through sets of information located at the various iSeries Web sites, but is documented here all in one place and with actual examples.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Overview

    Chapter 2. Installing iSeries Access for Windows

    Chapter 3. Application Administration: Administration system and Central Settings

    Chapter 4. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

    Chapter 5. iSeries Access for Windows in a Kerberos environment

    Appendix A. Coming attractions for iSeries Access for Windows


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