IMS in the Parallel Sysplex Volume III IMSplex Implementation and Operations
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 18 June 2003
ISBN-10: 0738453455
ISBN-13: 9780738453453
IBM Form #: SG24-6929-00
Authors: Jouko Jantti, Juan Jesús Iniesta Martínez, Knut Kubein, Bill Stillwell and Gary Wicks
This IBM Redbooks publication is the third volume of a series of redbooks called IMS in the Parallel Sysplex. These redbooks describe how IMS exploits the Parallel Sysplex functions and how to plan for, implement, and operate IMS systems working together in a Parallel Sysplex.
This book encompasses two parts. Part 1, Implementation, is a description of the tasks an IMS installation must execute to enable each of the functions. Part 2, Operations, addresses the operational issues associated with running an IMSplex that include startup and shutdown, steady state operations, online change, and recovery from failure.
Both of the parts are divided into chapters addressing the sysplex services exploited by IMS to support block level data sharing, connecting to the IMSplex, shared queues, and the systems management functions enabled with the Common Service Layer introduced in IMS Version 8 - operations management and resource management. Additional topics are addressed in appendices or incorporated within these major topics.
The other volumes in this series are:
IMS in Parallel Sysplex, Volume I: Reviewing the IMSplex Technology, SG24-6908
IMS in the Parallel Sysplex, Volume II: Planning the IMSplex, SG24-6928
Part 1. IMSplex implementation
Chapter 1. Data sharing implementation
Chapter 2. Implementing IMS shared queues
Chapter 3. Implementing the Common Service Layer (CSL)
Chapter 4. Implementing the sysplex terminal management (STM)
Chapter 5. Other Common Service Layer (CSL) functionalities
Chapter 6. Implementing VTAM Generic Resources and RNR
Part 2. IMSplex operations
Chapter 7. Operations in a data sharing environment
Chapter 8. Data sharing backup, recovery, and restart
Chapter 9. Operational considerations in shared queues environment
Chapter 10. Common Service Layer (CSL) operations
Chapter 11. Sysplex terminal management (STM) operations
Chapter 12. Operations for other features utilizing Common Service Layer
Chapter 13. Operating VTAM Generic Resources
Chapter 14. IMS connectivity recovery restart
Appendix A. IMS Parallel Sysplex migration task lists
Appendix B. Sample DFSDDLT0 programs used to test data sharing
Appendix C. Sample uservar exit for network balancing