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Siebel 7 with DB2 for z/OS: Database Implementation and Administration Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 18 March 2003

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ISBN-10: 073842806X
ISBN-13: 9780738428062
IBM Form #: SG24-6868-00

Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Steve Baker, Richard Corrihons, Rich Dale, Lou Doran, Debra Scott, Lee Siegmund, Xuan Nhut Tran and Marion Wilmot

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    In this IBM Redbooks publication, we describe the implementation, customization, and administration of the Siebel 7 database with DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 V7 using AIX V5L or Win2000 Siebel Servers, and we discuss the following topics:

    • Installation tasks for setting up a three-tier configuration, with the application middle tier residing on AIX/Win2000 and the database tier residing on z/OS. The DB2 Connect EE V7 setup required to connect the Siebel application server to the DB2 database on z/OS is also discussed.
    • Customization of the Siebel schema for a production environment.
    • Migration from a development system to a production system.
    • Database administration tasks including:
    • - Monitoring dynamic SQL

      - Identifying and inactivating unused indexes

      - Table partitioning

      - Statistics gathering

      - Reorg, backup, and recovery

    Table of Contents

    Ch. 1 Overview of Siebel 7 with DB2 for z/OS database

    Ch. 2 Installing the Siebel 7 system environment

    Ch. 3 Modifying the Siebel schema for a production environment

    Ch. 4 Migration from development to the production system

    Ch. 5 Identifying and removing unused, non-unique indexes

    Ch. 6 Partitioning method using DB2 utilities

    Ch. 7 Monitoring dynamic SQL

    Ch. 8 Monitoring the Siebel 7 database

    App. A DB2 parameters

    App. B Sample Siebel 7 generate DDL output

    App. C Batch jobs for table space partitioning

    App. D REXX procedures for table space partitioning

    App. E REXX program for EXPLAIN


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