IBM System i Application Modernization: Building a New Interface to Legacy Applications
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication examines many different alternatives for accessing your IBM System i legacy applications. It provides recommendations for selecting different tools and technologies based on your existing environment and the goals that you are trying to achieve. It covers the IBM WebSphere -based solutions, such as IBM Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) and JavaServer Faces (JSF), as well as rich-client and PHP solutions.
The parts of this book are designed for company CIOs, architects, and developers. Within these parts, this book provides guidance for those who are selecting the most suitable alternative for their existing IT environment. This book also demonstrates the process of creating a sample application using a specific technology. For those who are interested in a more detailed information, this book points to other publications and online materials.
Part 1. Looking at the alternatives
Chapter 1. Why you should consider new application interfaces
Chapter 2. Modernizing System i legacy applications: Common business scenarios
Part 2. Using IBM solutions
Chapter 3. Host Access Transformation Services
Chapter 4. The IBM WebFacing Tool
Part 3. Designing a new user interface
Chapter 5. Before you create a new user interface
Chapter 6. Application architecture, design, and implementation
Chapter 7. Designing a Web services interface
Chapter 8. Designing a JavaServer Faces-based interface
Chapter 9. Designing a portlet client
Chapter 10. Designing a rich-client interface
Chapter 11. Designing a PHP client
Appendix A. Additional material