Integrating IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler with Tivoli Products
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication explains the benefits and technical merits of integrating IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Distributed and IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS with other IBM products. Scheduling is a mission critical process for any company. However, when you talk about scheduling, you are really talking about an ecosystem. In this ecosystem, each solution is a building block that adds value to the overall solution. With IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler, you can collect and add data to and from each component. In addition, expanding the scheduling ecosystem to include monitoring, management, help desk, storage, and business systems management provides greater value.
This book discusses all these integration points and provides detailed scenarios on how to integrate IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler with these types of applications.
Because workload management is widely considered the nucleus of the data center, there are numerous opportunities for you to integrate IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler with other products. This book addresses just some of these many opportunities. In terms of integration with IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler, do not limit yourself to the products that this book discusses. Integration points discussed in this book should give you an idea of the potential value that IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler integration can provide for your company.
Part 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Architecture of integration
Part 2. TWS for z/OS integrations
Chapter 2. Integrating Tivoli Information and Management
Chapter 3. Integrating Tivoli NetView for z/OS
Chapter 4. Integrating with OPC Automation extension of System Automation
Chapter 5. Integrating Tivoli Business Systems Manager
Chapter 6. Integrating Tivoli Decision Support for OS/390
Chapter 7. Integrating JOB/SCAN
Part 3. TWS Distributed integrations
Chapter 8. Integrating Tivoli Enterprise Console
Chapter 9. Integrating Tivoli Monitoring
Chapter 10. Integrating Tivoli Business Systems Manager
Chapter 11. Integrating Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
Chapter 12. Integrating Tivoli Data Warehouse and Tivoli Service Level Advisor
Chapter 13. Integrating Tivoli NetView Distributed
Part 4. Right tool for the job
Appendix A. Using the right tool for the job
Appendix B. Event file message formats
Appendix C. JOB/SCAN examples
Appendix D. Additional material