Security Configuration in a TCP/IP Sysplex Environment
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication will help those Parallel Sysplex installations that are considering serving users over non-secure TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet, to achieve a broad understanding of the threats to their security. It offers configuration design considerations to keep the related risks at a minimum. The following areas are discussed:
- Utilization of z/OS® UNIX System Services and the relevant security setups
- The Parallel Sysplex physical configurations as scrutinized from the security aspect
- Exploitation and protection of the sysplex coupling mechanisms
- Utilization of TCP/IP in a sysplex and the associated security exposures
- Topography of an Internet connection and security measures
Chapter 1. Review of z/OS operating system security
Chapter 2. Overview of Parallel Sysplex technologies
Chapter 3. Running ICSF in a Parallel Sysplex environment
Chapter 4. Exploitation and protection of the coupling mechanisms
Chapter 5. TCP/IP security in a sysplex configuration
Chapter 6. Securing the connection to the Internet
Chapter 7. Intrusion detection services
Chapter 8. IDS configuration using zIDS Manager