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Running Linux on IBM System z9 and zSeries under z/VM

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 21 February 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738496405
ISBN-13: 9780738496405
IBM Form #: SG24-6311-00

Authors: Gregory Geiselhart, Klaus Egeler, Lutz Kühner, Markku Kymalainen, Esthon Medeiros and Karl-Erik Stenfors

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    This IBM Redbooks publication discusses running Linux under z/VM on IBM System z9 and zSeries platforms. We describe enhancements available in z/VM Version 5.1. The intended audience for this book is IT administrators responsible for installing and configuring z/VM 5.1 systems running Linux guests.

    Using Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP), z/VM 5/1 can be installed on and operate from SCSI disks. Configured as emulated Fixed Block Architecture (FBA) disks, z/VM 5.1 can use FCP-attached disks for its system paging, spooling, directory, and minidisks.

    z/VM 5.1 adds new functions for Virtual Switches (VSWITCH). For increased network security, guests must have authorization before connecting to a VSWITCH. z/VM 5.1 introduces VSWITCH Layer 2 support. Operating at Layer 2, a VSWITCH delivers and receives network traffic in Ethernet frames. This provides the ability to handle non-IP protocols such as SNA, NetBIOS, and IPX. In addition, Layer 2 support reduces network latency and CPU overhead.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Installing z/VM 5.1

    Chapter 2. Networking enhancements for z/VM 5.1

    Chapter 3. Cryptographic hardware support

    Appendix A. z/VM and Linux for zSeries in an On Demand environment


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