Web Services Wizardry with WebSphere Studio Application Developer
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication explores the new WebSphere Studio Application Developer for J2EE application development and WebServices. The WebSphere Studio Application Developer basic tooling and team environment is presented along with the development and deployment of Web Applications (JSPs and servlets), XML, data, EJBs and Web services.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer is the new IBM tool for Java development for client and server applications. It provides a Java integrated development environment (IDE) that is designed to provide rapid development for J2EE-based applications. It is well integrated with WebSphere Application Server Version 4 and provides a built-in single server that can be used for testing of J2EE applications.
Web services are a new breed of Web applications. Web services are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. Web services perform callable functions that can be anything from a simple request to complicated business processes. Once a Web service is deployed and registered, other applications can discover and invoke the deployed service. The foundation for Web services are the simple object access protocol (SOAP), the Web services description language (WSDL), and the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry.
This book consists of three parts: an introduction of the sample auto parts application that is used throughout the book, J2EE development and deployment with WebSphere Studio Application Developer, and Web services technology along with the development and deployment of Web services in WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Part 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Auto parts sample application
Part 2. WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Chapter 2. Application Developer overview
Chapter 3. Web development with Application Developer
Chapter 4. XML support in Application Developer
Chapter 5. EJB development with Application Developer
Chapter 6. Deployment of Web and EJB applications to WebSphere
Chapter 7. Working in a team
Part 3. Web services
Chapter 8. Web services overview and architecture
Chapter 9. Product support for Web services
Chapter 10. Static Web services
Chapter 11. Dynamic Web services
Chapter 12. Composed Web services
Chapter 13. Deployment of Web services to WebSphere
Chapter 14. Web services advanced topics
Chapter 15. Architecture and design considerations
Chapter 16. IBM’s jStart program