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S1 Consumer Suite for z/OS Installation Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 02 August 2002

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ISBN-10: 0738423211
ISBN-13: 9780738423210
IBM Form #: SG24-6288-00

Authors: Vasilis Karras

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    Today’s financial institutions face a demanding and competitive environment. The S1 Corporation has produced a widely accepted suite of banking, investment, and relationship management products to help meet the challenges of this environment.

    This IBM Redbooks publication discusses the S1 Banking product called Consumer Suite, deployed on the zSeries platform. The information in this guide is for Version 5.3 of S1 Consumer Banking, and is written for technical professionals

    involved in planning and implementing this product; a basic knowledge of online banking terms and processes is assumed.

    We begin by explaining the S1 Consumer Suite environment as it exists today, with emphasis on the S1 Consumer Banking module as developed for the zSeries architecture. Next, we introduce zSeries architecture and discuss the advantages of using the zSeries and z/OS as a proven Web server.

    Then we discuss planning for the installation of S1 Consumer Banking on z/OS and UNIX System Services, as well as using AIX as a CSR Web server. Finally, we describe in detail how to install and customize the S1 Banking module on z/OS. A step-by-step procedure outlines how to customize the S1 Banking module under UNIX System Services. Web server installations are described on AIX and for CSR.

    Table of Contents

    Ch. 1 S1 Consumer Suite overview

    Ch. 2 zSeries platform overview

    Ch. 3 S1 Consumer Banking planning

    Ch. 4 S1 Consumer Banking installation

    App. A Forte installation for z/OS

    App. B Installation checklists

    App. C Installing SeOS