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Prepare OS/390 for WebSphere Enterprise Edition

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 27 February 2001

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ISBN-10: 073841896X
ISBN-13: 9780738418964
IBM Form #: SG24-5685-00

Authors: Roland Trauner, Iriani Ratna and Eva Yan

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    Prepare an OS/390 R10 System for WebSphere Enterprise Edition.

    This book helps you in setting up OS/390 for the IBM WebSphere Application Server for OS/390 Enterprise Edition.

    We worked on an OS/390 R10 system setting up IBM WebSphere Application Server 3.02 Enterprise Edition for OS/390 . We are describing the set up for all the necessary components required to run WAS EE. We are however not describing how to set the CB/390 part in details, also not how to deploy EJBs since at the time of writing of this book, IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition for OS/390 was already on the horizon. Since the deployment of EJBs will be different in WAS EE 4.0 from WAS EE 3.02, we decided to describe this EJB deployment for WAS 4.0 EE in details in a IBM Redbooks publication to come.

    Table of Contents

    Overview of software requirements

    Setting up a Monoplex

    Workload management. Definitions for GOAL mode. Switch to GOAL mode

    System Logger

    Resource Recovery Services (RRS)

    Automatic Restart Management (ARM)

    OS/390 UNIX setup issues

    Java for OS/390

    HTTP Server. WebSphere Application Server

    DB2 enablement

    LDAP enablement

    Additional WebSphere EE enablement

    Sample bind and SQL sources

    Worksheets to define a Service Definition


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