Getting Started with DB2 OLAP Server on OS/390
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication explores the DB2 OLAP Server on OS/390 system. It takes a close look at the tasks and considerations in installing, tailoring and configuring the brand-new DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390 Ver. 1.1. that is specific for the OS/390 environment, rather than the DB2 OLAP Server generic task. This book is designed to assist technical specialists and DB2 OLAP Server consultants in implementing this product for OS/390.
Chapter 1. Introduction to DB2 OLAP Server
Chapter 2. Planning for installation of the products. It contains hardware/software
Chapter 3. Enabling OS/390 UNIX environment
Chapter 4. DB2 OLAP Server installation
Chapter 5. Setting up clients
Chapter 6. Administration of DB2 OLAP Server
Chapter 7. OLAP database design on S/390
Chapter 8. Capacity planning
Chapter 9. Security considerations
Appendix A. Nation language environment variables
Appendix B. REXX procedure to create TCP/IP affinity
Appendix C. Summary of DB2 OLAP Sever files