Planning for a Migration of PeopleSoft 7.5 from Oracle/UNIX to DB2 for OS/390
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This IBM Redbooks publication discusses the process to migrate PeopleSoft Applications 7.5 on Oracle on UNIX to PeopleSoft Applications 7.5 on OS/390 with DB2. We migrated the PeopleSoft Tools and the Human Resources (HR) Application.
The book is intended to help you plan the migration process. The information is based on installation experiences gained at the ITSO in Poughkeepsie and with customers who have completed this process.
This book will be especially useful for those who are migrating to PeopleSoft Applications on OS/390 for the first time.
Chapter 1. Overview of the migration process
Chapter 2. Overview of the system we used for our tests
Chapter 3. Create a PeopleTools environment
Chapter 4. Analyze the customizaton on the source system
Chapter 5. Size and create the PeopleSoft database on OS/390
Chapter 6. Executing the DataMover scripts
Chapter 7. Handling the exceptions in the migration process
Chapter 8. Migrating the production database
Chapter 9. Migrating a database from Oracle to DB2 example
Chapter 10. Administration of DB2 for PeopleSoft
Chapter 11 DB2 Features used by PeopleSoft Applications
Appendix A. Oracle8 (UNIX) vs DB2 UDB for OS/390 V6.1 terminology
Appendix B. PeopleSoft Migration Questionnaire
Appendix C. Setting up DB2 Connect
Appendix D. Connectivity options
Appendix E. Testing the migration process with two tables
Appendix F. Handling large tables