Published on 15 July 2021
ISBN-10: 0738459828
ISBN-13: 9780738459820
IBM Form #: REDP-5520-01
Authors: Jagadeesh Papaiah
The purpose of this IBM® Redpaper® document is to provide best practice guidelines to design and implement IBM FlashSystem® storage for database workloads. The recommended settings and values are based on lab testing, proof of concept (PoC) and experience drawn from customer implementations. Suggestions that are presented in this document are applicable to most production database environments to increase performance of I/O and availability. However, more considerations might be required while designing, configuring, and implementing storage for extreme transactional, analytical, and database cluster environments.
Customers are migrating database storage to IBM FlashSystem largely due to low latency performance of the IBM FlashSystem family of Storage. Using IBM FlashSystem, IBM customers are able to achieve low latency for queries and transactions from milliseconds to microseconds, realize a multi-fold increase in application level transactions per second, increase CPU efficiency and reduce database licensing costs.
Recent additions of data reduction technologies to IBM FlashSystem further increase overall TCO benefits. All IBM FlashSystem models now offer compression, which can reduce database storage by 40 - 80% depending on database software.
In addition to best practices that are described in this document, the IBM FlashSystem Worldwide Solutions Engineering Team can further assist customers with performing analysis of current database workloads for IBM FlashSystem benefits, perform PoCs at our labs, and help with implementation.
Oracle I/O calibration
Microsoft SQL Server
Operating system considerations
Disk layout for IBM FlashSystem
Considerations for IBM FlashSystem