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DS8000 Cascading FlashCopy Design and Scenarios

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 15 December 2017

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ISBN-10: 0738456438
ISBN-13: 9780738456430
IBM Form #: REDP-5463-00

Authors: Werner Bauer, Bert Dufrasne, Matthew Houzenga and Dennis Robertson

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    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes the IBM Cascading FlashCopy® support introduced with the IBM DS8000® License Machine Code (LMC) Release 8.3 (LMC 8.8.30.xx.xx, bundle version or later.

    The Cascading FlashCopy support enables a FlashCopy source device to become a FlashCopy source, or a FlashCopy target device to become a FlashCopy source.

    This capability provides improvements to a range of Copy Services scenarios, but essentially enables the reversal of one of several FlashCopy relationships without first withdrawing the other relationships.

    This publication explores a range of use cases, explaining the improvements and benefits of the Cascading FlashCopy.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Cascading FlashCopy concept

    Chapter 2. Cascading FlashCopy use cases


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