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Fabric Vision Technology

An IBM Redbooks Product Guide


Published on 11 October 2016, updated 25 July 2017

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ISBN-10: 0738455652
ISBN-13: 9780738455655
IBM Form #: REDP-5400-00

Authors: Megan Gilge

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    This IBM® Redbooks product guide describes Fabric Vision technology.

    The use of virtualization, flash storage, and automation tools has allowed applications and services to be deployed faster while shattering performance barriers. The unprecedented number of application and service interactions has also increased the complexity, risk, and instability of mission-critical operations. As a result, IT organizations need flexible storage networks that can adapt to dynamic environments and performance requirements for high-density virtualization, flash storage, and cloud infrastructures. To achieve Service Level Agreement (SLA) objectives, IT administrators also need new tools that can help ensure non-stop operations, quickly identify potential points of congestion, and maximize application performance, while simplifying administration.

    Fabric Vision technology with IO Insight, an extension of Gen 6 Fibre Channel, provides outstanding insight and visibility across the storage network with powerful, integrated monitoring, management, and diagnostic tools that help organizations to simplify monitoring, increase operational stability, and dramatically reduce costs.

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