IBM® Information Management System (IMS™) applications and data are the core of critical online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads for many of the world’s major organizations. This operational data, when analyzed properly, forms the basis for making better decisions by organizations running IMS. With IBM DB2® Analytics Accelerator for z/OS®, you can exploit your IBM z Systems™ platform’s IMS data where it originates so that delivering new insights to improve efficiency and drive smart outcomes is possible.
Critical business insights that are gained by performing analytics on IMS operational data is a valuable corporate asset and must be delivered efficiently across an organization, with high quality and proper governance, which is possible with this solution.
This IBM Redbooks® Solution Guide describes DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS and how it enables you to exploit the IMS data. It explains the business value of the solution, provides an overview and high-level solution architecture and includes usage scenarios.
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Business value
Solution overview
Solution architecture
Usage scenarios
Supported platforms
Ordering information
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