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IBM Datacap Accounts Payable Capture

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 17 July 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738454311
ISBN-13: 9780738454313
IBM Form #: REDP-5235-00

Authors: Jan Hartog den and Tom Stuart

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    The IBM® Datacap Accounts Payable Capture application is a learning application. Using a number of techniques, it has the ability to learn new instances of known documents when they are introduced into the system. The Accounts Payable Capture workflow can be used for many types of documents and applications, not just invoices.

    This IBM Redpaper™ publication discusses the role that IBM Datacap Accounts Payable Capture plays in Accounts Payable (AP). You are introduced to the different jobs in the workflow and examine the task profiles, rulesets, rules, functions, and actions that make it work.

    This paper guides you through the IBM Datacap Accounts Payable Capture application. The application is called a foundation application because it is used as a starting point for capturing complex machine-printed forms, such as invoices, that might contain line items.

    Because Accounts Payable Capture is continually evolving with new technologies and techniques, your version of the product might differ slightly from what is shown in this paper. However, most of the techniques described in this paper are applicable to any version of the product. After you have gained an understanding of how these technologies interact, you will be able to apply them to other data capture scenarios needing similar capabilities.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Accounts Payable Capture

    How Accounts Payable Capture works

    Jobs available in the workflow

    When each task profile gets executed

    A walkthrough of the task profiles


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