This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes advanced topics for IBM Cloudant, a NoSQL JSON document store that is optimized for handling heavy workloads of concurrent reads and writes in the cloud, a workload that is typical of large, fast-growing web and mobile apps. You can use Cloudant as a fully-managed DBaaS running on public cloud platforms like IBM SoftLayer or via an on-premise version called Cloudant Local that you can run yourself on any private, public, or hybrid cloud platform.
This paper is the third in a series of IBM Redbooks® publications on Cloudant. Be sure to read the others: IBM Cloudant: The Do-More NoSQL Data Layer, TIPS1187 and IBM Cloudant: Database as a service Fundamentals, REDP-5126.
Chapter 1. IBM Cloudant replication and sharding
Chapter 2. Cloudant multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) and document conflict resolution
Chapter 3. IBM Cloudant Sync
Chapter 4. Building and querying the geospatial index
Chapter 5. Cloudant libraries, drivers, and open source integrations