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Exploiting the IBM Health Checker for z/OS Infrastructure

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 22 December 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738450219
ISBN-13: 9780738450216
IBM Form #: REDP-4590-01

Authors: Mario Bezzi, Neil O'Connor, Sharon Phillips, Ulrich Thiemann and Helen Tsang

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    The IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® (also identified in this book as IBM Health Checker) is a key component of the z/OS operating system, whose objective is to identify potential problems before they impact the system’s availability. To do this it continuously checks many current, active z/OS and sysplex settings and compares them with those suggested by IBM or defined by you.

    The IBM Health Checker for z/OS is made of two parts:

    - A framework that provides check management and execution services. It supports check development by IBM, independent software vendors (ISVs), and users.

    - Individual checks that look for specific z/OS settings and definitions, checking for potential problems.

    Customers can use the IBM Health Checker for z/OS infrastructure to run their own checks, extending the reach of IBM Health Checker for z/OS to environment-specific settings.

    This IBM Redpaper™ publication introduces the IBM Health Checker and describes how to activate and use it. It teaches you how to exploit the IBM Health Checker infrastructure to run custom checks and how to identify good candidates for writing your own checks. This publication also provides a number of sample checks to give you a good start creating custom checks for your environment.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. An overview of IBM Health Checker for z/OS

    Chapter 2. Using IBM Health Checker for z/OS

    Chapter 3. Writing checks

    Chapter 4. Planning an informative check

    Chapter 5. Techniques for writing informative messages

    Chapter 6. Debugging health checks

    Chapter 7. Writing checks using System REXX

    Chapter 8. Unauthorized health checks written in REXX

    Chapter 9. Writing health checks using Metal C

    Appendix A. Additional material


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