WebSphere Application Server V7: Administration of WebSphere Processes
An IBM Redpaper publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
In this IBM® Redpaper™ publication, we provide information about basic administration tasks. The focus of this paper is on managing WebSphere® processes, including the deployment manager, nodes and node agents, application servers, and application server clusters.
This paper is the stand-alone version of chapter 6 of WebSphere Application Server V7 Administration and Configuration Guide, SG24-7615.
Working with the deployment manager
Starting and stopping an administrative agent
Starting and stopping the job manager
Working with application servers
Working with nodes in a distributed environment
Working with clusters
Working with virtual hosts
Managing your configuration files
Managing applications
This paper is the stand-alone version of chapter 6 of WebSphere Application Server V7 Administration and Configuration Guide, SG24-7615.