IBM System Storage DS8000: Remote Pair FlashCopy (Preserve Mirror)
An IBM Redpaper publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
The IBM® DS8000® provides support for a new Copy Services function called Remote Pair FlashCopy®. In the z/OS environment, this function is referred to as Preserve Mirror.
This function allows a significant reduction of the recoverability time when a FlashCopy target device is also a Metro Mirror primary device. The Remote Pair FlashCopy provides a solution for data replication, data migration, remote copy, and disaster recovery tasks. It is particularly useful for full volume FlashCopy and dataset level FlashCopy for z/OS®.
This IBM Redpaper publication explains the mechanism and operations of the Remote Pair FlashCopy function. It also provides examples and illustrations of how to establish and then withdraw the Remote FlashCopy pair relationship.
Chapter 1. Introducing Remote Pair Flashcopy
Chapter 2. Remote Pair FlashCopy implementation and usage
Chapter 3. Using Remote Pair FlashCopy in open systems environments
Chapter 4. Using Remote Pair FlashCopy in a z/OS environment
Appendix A. FlashCopy review